Emergency Plumber Toowoomba
(07) 4277 7980
Neat & Tidy
Prompt & Reliable
Satisfaction Guaranteed
24/7 Plumber Toowoomba QLD
The nature of an emergency is that it is an unexpected, unplanned event. We get it. You don’t plan to have your hot water stop working or for a pipe to burst and spray water all over your kitchen.
You need someone that you can rely on to come fix your plumbing problems ASAP in a safe and efficient manner to get you back on your feet as quickly as we can.
Whether you’ve got a big plumbing emergency or a leaking tap, give us a call to arrange for our licensed plumber to go out to your property in Toowoomba and get your plumbing needs fixed right away.
We understand that you don’t have the time to be waiting around for a plumber to come fix your blocked toilet all day, you’ve got things to do and places to be.
That is why we endeavour to get to your place FAST and communicate with you along the way if there are any changes to our plans.

(07) 4277 7980
Most common plumbing emergencies we deal with in Toowoomba:
- Burst Pipes
- Blocked toilet that is overflowing (yuck!)
- Hot water stops working
- gas leak
- shower blockage
- leaking roof due to blocked/cracked gutters
- gas oven just stops working
What can you do to prevent plumbing emergencies?
1. Regular maintenance and repairs of plumbing problems when you first notice them, not months later!
2. Have damaged pipes fixed straight away, pipes that are not repaired will most likely end up bursting, with tons of water going everywhere per second, you’ll have wished you followed this advice!
3. If your toilet is clogged, tend to it right away, not when it gets so bad that you can’t stand it any longer because some blockage are easy to fix but over time if they are not looked after, toilets might be clogged beyond repair and may even lead to an overflowing toilet in the middle of your house…
4. Lifespan of gas appliances such as gas hot water systems and gas ovens, like all appliance you will have to replace these at some point. Trying to get the most out of your appliances that are dinosaurs may leave you high and dry and cold one winter evening.

Gas Leaks
Did you know that a gas leak is one of the most dangerous plumbing emergencies that our licensed plumbers are called out for?
A gas leak is most often first noticed as a faint (or strong) smell or gas in the air.
Often most noticeable when windows are closed and doors are closed, letting the room fill with this toxic gas.
If it’s very quiet you may be able to hear the hissing of the gas leak in your home.
Even if you suspect there is a gas leak, you need to call a licensed plumber straight away.
Not only is a gas leak unpleasant to smell, it can be toxic with large exposure and most dangerously, they make the environment really flammable!
Not just any plumber can fix a gas leak, they need to be a qualified gas fitting plumber.
This source explains that only qualified gas fitters can carry out any gas work legally in Queensland.
When you work with us, you can rest assured that all our plumbers are qualified gas plumbers as well, it is in our name after all!
What to do if you have a gas leak in your home
- Don’t turn on any switches (even light switches)
- Turn off the oven and don’t light anything
- Open the windows and doors, ventilate the house
- If you know where the gas meter is, turn off the gas.
- Get everyone out of the house.
- If you can still smell gas after turning off the gas meter, call 000.
- If you cannot smell the gas after you turned it off, contact you emergency gas fitting plumber that will come to your home to investigate the gas leak.
Contact Your Friendly, Local Plumber in Toowoomba
Get in Touch
Open Hours
08:00-17:00 Monday-Friday
08:00-12:00 Saturday
Available afterhours for emergency call out 24/7!
We Service
Toowoomba and Surrounding areas in the Toowoomba Region, QLD